The bar is Molly’s life, she’s the only person left in the family and so responsibility has fallen to her to keep the business going. But with the murders taking place so close to home, her staff and customers are getting edgy. She can’t afford to lose it all, but she can’t run the place alone. When Blake appears it seems that all of her prayers have been answered.
Brought closer by a terrifying event, Molly’s trust in this stranger grows. Blake knows that she’ll discover who he really is and never forgive him for his lies. But he just can’t make himself stay away from the enticing licensee he was supposed to be here to ensnare.
This is it! We have a new release!
Reluctant Suspicion is available for pre-order now, and it’s available on the 13th of May 2015!
Click here to purchase your copy today!
Good luck on your adventures,
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