Tag: adventure

Who are you?

February 2, 2015     scarlettfinn     Blog post


Everyone has secrets. Off the top of my head now I can think of three of my own. One is frivilous, probably rather silly, and most would find it funny. The second is salactious and certainly never to be discussed. The third, however, is so deeply personal that I can’t imagine ever revealing it myself to anyone other than those who know me best.
I keep the third secret not only to protect myself, but to protect others. A part of me is ashamed for being so private about something which should be out in the open, but alas, it cannot be. I consider myself a forthright person. Someone who will stand up for what is right no matter the cost and in the past I have proved that I can be just that. Yet, I keep a secret from most of the world about the truth of who I am because, to be honest, it would change every relationship that I have.
We all conceal a part of ourselves. Some dark corner of our being that we don’t want to share with others. For some this part is so small it’s almost not worth acknowledging. For others this part can at times consume us.
In the last couple of months my life has twisted and turned in ways that I wasn’t anticipating. Some events make us evaluate who we are and why we do the things that we do, but we don’t always get the answers that we seek. That doesn’t mean we should stop looking for them. We have to carry on in the face of uncertainty and adversity and hope, that despite our secrets and the truth burning inside of us, that we will come out the other side.
In the meantime, embrace the adventure. It might not take us in a direction that we expect, but who knows what lies at the next stop of our journey? Perhaps the unexpected might not be so sinister after all.

Good luck on your adventures,


Sequel insanity

September 11, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


So for those of you who don’t know the sequel to Explicit Instruction is called Explicit Detail and it’s out in a few weeks. It’s release date is October 10th – four weeks tomorrow!
I loved writing Rushe and Flick in Explicit Instruction and I was overwhelmed by how well they were received. Readers really enjoyed their adventure together and the heat between them certainly raised some eyebrows. Going into Explicit Detail I was full of gusto, brimming with ideas, and desperate to get on with their next adventure.
The process of writing is arduous but it is fun, you have to enjoy it, you have to love it, or you’d never get to “The End”. But I got there with Explicit Detail and after rounds and rounds and rounds of edits, there it was, ready for pre-order. Exciting, right? Yes! Absolutely! There it is, it’s ready for the readers who enjoyed Rushe and Flick the first time around and for those who can discover them for the very first time.
You might ask that that why with all this positivity I labeled the blog “Sequel insanity”, so let me tell you why. I’ve written sequels for my novels before but never with the intention of them being published and enjoyed by the public, so this is a first for me. As release day creeps nearer and nearer, I am increasingly aware of reader expectation.
When publishing a new book, a standalone, there is always a level of apprehension about how it will be received by readers. But Explicit Detail is different. Readers have already had a positive experience with Rushe and Flick, they enjoyed Explicit Instruction, now they want more.
Writers will (or should) always strive to create the best product that they can to induce the most satisfying reader experience, it’s our job. Explicit Instruction was enjoyable to a great number of people, what if Explicit Detail doesn’t match that experience?
Explicit Detail sees our couple on a new adventure, quite unlike the first. There is still danger and plenty of dirty talk, but our couple are together now, giving the dynamic between them a slightly different feel – it’s important to allow them to progress as individuals and together.
Not knowing what readers expect yet trying to fulfill those expectations is tough. For the most part we write blind, crafting the best possible story that we can in the best possible way. You can ask all the questions that you want, and do all the research that you want, but at the end of the day the story must be woven by the writer. We have to engage with the readers. Rushe and Flick managed it the first time around, but can they do it again?

Good luck on your adventures,


No regrets

August 11, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


It’s a very profound statement to declare that we live life with no regrets. It sounds good, bold, clean. But is it actually possible?
Regret means to “feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do).” So saying that we’ve lived our life without regrets is actually a very selfish, or narcissistic, thing to state. If someone asked you if you had regrets the “correct” answer would be to say no. But don’t we all feel sad about some things in our past, repentant of bad behaviours, or disappointed that we didn’t quite get to where we wanted to be?
I think we all have regrets. I think we all have what ifs…
But hindsight is twenty-twenty, right? So just because we didn’t feel repentant at the time doesn’t mean that we can’t look back now and see how foolish or destructive our behaviour was at that previous time. If we didn’t make mistakes then we wouldn’t learn, we wouldn’t grow. So we need regrets to help us develop and mature, to give us wisdom to help guide those in younger generations.
That’s assuming of course that we do learn from our mistakes and I know from personal experience that not everyone does. But what is the cost of this wisdom? What do we give up? What do we damage in our environment to help better ourselves as individuals?
Regrets can be supremely personal. We would not share some things in our lives, or things from our past, because we are ashamed or embarrassed about them.
So I say this, admitting that you have regrets, that you would have done some things differently, shows a humility that we could all benefit to expand around us.
I hear what you’ll say, that our experiences make us who we are and without those experiences we would not be the people we are today. But you may have been a better person if you chose a different path. Others may have benefited from our diversion. Or maybe we would have caused more harm. I suppose we’ll never know.
To me it displays the power of language, the premium we place on certain words, “Do you have regrets?” Maybe. “Have you ever been disappointed?” Yes. “Have you ever hurt someone or been foolish?”
The path we are on, for better or worse, is set out behind us, but there are more choices to make up ahead. Don’t forget where you’ve been, those memories will guide you forward into the unknown future. At the very least, it will be an adventure.

Good luck on your adventures,


The future is now!

The future is now!

  No one keeps a diary anymore, do they? I don’t mean a calendar of appointments and things to do, I mean a journal of their day’s activities and their feelings about them. I started this blog because I published my novel. It’s as simple as that. I thought it would be helpful to me, […]

August 3, 2014

Random thoughts.

Random thoughts.

First, and quite randomly, I found out today that Explicit Instruction is being illegally pirated through torrent sites. After an initial panic and a Google search I learned that I should take this as a compliment. Hmm. Since there is nothing I can do about it, I suppose I’ll have to look at it that […]

July 27, 2014

Howdily doodily!

Howdily doodily!

Today is going to be a quick one because I’m in a rather philosophical mood. In other words if I start typing I won’t stop! I hope you are all enjoying Father’s Day with your loved ones, and enjoying the weather – if you have it. I just wanted to remind everyone that The XY […]

June 15, 2014

Quickie: Explicit Instructio..

Quickie: Explicit Instruction.

I’m supposed to keep these short so I have no idea what I was thinking last night. Ignore that, let’s do this instead. I’ve been playing around with the description for Explicit Instruction and no doubt it will look completely different when I’m through but tell me what you think: Flick tried to run but […]

May 18, 2014