Tag: chicklit

Dealing with the dumps.

May 13, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

Writing has been my salvation throughout my life. During times of highs and lows I’ve always been able to turn to my work and express what I thought and what I felt through my characters.
When I decided to publish I knew I was never going to be famous or make money from it, all I wanted to know was that people out there had experienced the little corner of illusion I’d created. Seeing your words on screen, for sale, and seeing them downloaded gives a thrill. You get swept into the world of promotion and seek out places that can increase your audience. You do everything you’re supposed to, create Facebook pages, and Twitter, create a website, and get yourself involved with any other social media platform that you can think of.
No one has ever understood why I write, let alone why I would do it and not share it with anyone – like I did for two thirds of my life. I can’t explain my passion for it, there’s no comparison in life. If you have a passion for something (not just writing, any passion at all) it comes from inside you. A burning notion to just do it. It’s almost an addiction. It can completely take over until you can’t not do it.
I’ve been editing for the last couple of days. I’m second guessing myself, worrying about my audience, or rather lack of one, and how my current work will affect any audience I have for my other novels.
Tonight I’m tired. I’m disheartened. I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to share. Finding out that sharing isn’t as easy as I thought it would be is tough. Most of my daily work has increased because at the same time I should be actually working (with my business) I stop and start messing around with the website, or the social media, or whatever. I’ve actually found that I quite enjoy it, which is all good. So why is tonight different? Maybe it’s just that us creative types have a flair for the dramatic but I’ve been working so hard. I’ve completed Explicit Instruction. I have my next couple of projects lined up. I’ve been keeping the pressure up on myself, which is great.
Except tonight I realised something. I might be excited about my new project but no one else is. I’m worrying about hitting a writing deadline that I have set for myself. In amongst that I have to run a business and a home, and we have summer holidays coming up when I know I’ll get less done.
Feeling the pressure wasn’t what stopped me in my tracks, it was the sudden clarity that my mental hype about sharing my work with people was just that: mental. It’s all in me.
On the positive side it means that I can let up on myself. I don’t have to rush out Explicit Instruction. I don’t have to worry about completing the Mistake Me Not sequel, or about ‘Love and Madness’ my next chicklit title. I can slow down. In fact I can stop.
Tonight I suppose I’m feeling blue. It’s a bit like realising that magic isn’t real, there’s no Santa Claus, no tooth fairy, and no one who would notice if I never wrote another word.
Man, that sounds dramatic and I hear you all groaning and wondering why I’m bothering to blog and it’s a fair point. My only answer is that I need to write. I need to do it. When I have something to process, a situation, or an emotion, I do it through writing.
So sitting here, falling asleep at the screen, trying desperately to concentrate on my work it hit me and I had to write. I write because I have to. I write because I don’t know how not to. I write because setting out thoughts in black and white is the only way I know. Without it… I don’t know who I am.


Shall I keep you in suspense…?

May 7, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

Shall I keep you in suspense...?

So Rivals ON AIR is out. Explicit Instruction is the next title I’ll release. But what now…? I’m trying to decide what project to focus on next and I find myself torn – romantic suspense or romantic comedy?
I’ve kind of got myself into a groove with the suspense titles and they are a lot more fun to write. Lots of sex and violence and drama… certainly in the case of Explicit Instruction. I think I’ll have to attach an advisory notice :p If you get yourselves over to my Facebook page you’ll get a preview of the Explicit Instruction cover. The Mistake Me not sequel will be released summer/autumn 2014 depending on workload.
I want to say a special thank you to Ivy Emily for reviewing on Amazon.co.uk. Reviews don’t come easily, and I was humbled by her enjoyment.
Every writer wants to share their thoughts, their ideas, their stories, and it can be overwhelming trying to get them onto paper (so to speak). We can get blinkered. This is exactly the reason that it’s important to distance yourself in the edit. Put it down and walk away – going back to it weeks or months later can be an eyeopener.
I won’t intrude upon your time anymore. Everyone enjoy your adventures and look forward to the next one I cook up for you.


Blogs away…

May 4, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

Truth behind the myth...


So Rivals ON AIR is out, clearing that from my calendar was a relief I’ll tell you. It’s nice to know it’s out there ready to be read. But I’ve done zero promotion and that’s maybe not a good thing. I’ll get around to it but I’m down to my last leg of the first draft of my next novel. I’m so close I can smell the finish line.
I’ve worked hard this week with various deadlines to meet but it’s like people say – when you’re doing something you love it doesn’t feel like work, and it’s true. My body doesn’t necessarily agree, when meals are missed and when it doesn’t see daylight for a couple of days. But my brain is happy.
Getting blinkered during a project can be the most invigorating and frustrating experience. When I can’t type fast enough to get the ideas out I push and push and push, then I realise I’ve done it! I’m there and it’s a home run!
With a few stretches after my typical rounds of the web essentials I then have to be creative – now! I roll my sleeves up (figuratively) and get on with it. Then my alarm goes to alert me to dinner time and I wonder where the day has gone because I’m sure I just sat down.
The worrying thing of course is when you realise the closest thing you’ve had to adult conversation in a week is your one-sided conversations with your laptop. I mean it speaks back – in my head of course – I know what Val is thinking, we spend enough time together after all. When she starts to lag or moan I remind her that she’s inanimate and has no excuse. I’m human. I haven’t eaten. I haven’t slept. So I don’t know what she is whining about.
Switching back to the real world is jarring. Rushing down the stairs and out the door this week I was assaulted by the bright glare of sunshine – I was wearing a scarf and heavy coat – it was raining the last time I went out… a few days ago.
I’m sure my bewilderment is as disconcerting to the masses, or my neighbours at least. Yes, situations like that previously mentioned are embarrassing but I’m sure my random smiling is more worrying. Still, at least I know it has a purpose, and there’s nothing like that moment of clarity when you know exactly what character A will say to character C, lol.
Typically as I’ve decided to shelf the Mistake Me Not sequel until at least after my next release sales have taken off. Great, I love it. It’s such a thrill to know that people are enjoying Lacie and Ryder. I relished my own love for them in the excerpt at the end of Rivals ON AIR. It’s saucy :p
But once I’ve rounded off the end of ‘Explicit Instruction’ I’ll maybe switch focus back. Writing the romantic suspense is such a gear change from the chicklit stuff. I love both but they require completely different mental processes. But ‘Explicit Instruction’ (my new project) has been very organic (as Annie Chambers from Rivals ON AIR would say). I think you guys will enjoy it. I hope you will. I’ve just written the final showdown so all that’s left is to tie up the ends – very exciting!
So I should get back to it, I hope you’re all enjoying your own adventures, and always remember to check the weather before you go out the house – learn from my mistake.


Rivals ON AIR – availa..

Rivals ON AIR – available on Amazon

  It’s been a week. I’m dead beat and I’ll have to get up tomorrow and keep going, lol. It’s been a tough week but we’re there. It’s out! Rivals ON AIR has been published with Amazon! Go and check it out, have a read, and don’t forget to check out the sneak peek of […]

May 2, 2014

It never ends…

Hey everyone, I’ve had a long morning and it’s not over yet. Life just keeps going and going. I checked in with all my stats this morning, updated Twitter, and Facebook too – check it out for my next project. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you do with this whole promotion thing because […]

March 24, 2014

The XY Factor

The XY Factor

‘Me in bed… with Johnny Sloan of all people.’   What a weekend it has been. At the moment I have at least five things going on – cooking dinner while ironing my son’s uniform, running his bath, responding to email, all the while I’m trying to stay sane…. and hard boil eggs for the […]

March 23, 2014
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