Tag: Mistake Me Not

Bureaucracy gone mad!

July 12, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


Manic. Manic.
I woke up to do with a list of things to do. I did those. Did some writing, then had task after task interrupting. Anyway, I’m still bashing away at the keyboard but I wanted to let you know I’ve set up a poll. Check it out on Facebook or on my website.
I promise you that every vote will count. So please make sure you make a choice… though I don’t envy you!

Good luck on your adventures,


Explicit Mistake

July 6, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

Explicit Mistake1

Series’ are all the rage.
When I first published I had an idea of what I would publish and when. I had several books completed and so envisaged preparing and releasing each of them as I went along. What I hadn’t factored in was that readers would care about my work.
I don’t sell very many books, I know that the world of indie publishing often leaves many authors languishing in obscurity because of the sheer volume of available books if nothing else. I always wrote the kind of books that I would want to read, I write as a reader.
Mistake Me Not drew varying feedback but there was always going to be a book two. I’d written it before I published the first. Explicit Instruction, I have to be honest, is my favourite. I relished writing every single word, and though my confidence in how it would be received flagged, I toned it down in the editing process and I’m proud of the end result – even if there are those out there who are not.
But I hadn’t thought anyone would want another Explicit novel. I’d written an outline for a second novel but that’s not unusual for me. Sometimes I write chapters and chapters after I’ve completed a novel because I’m not yet ready to give up the characters, and I’m interested in how they develop, in where they go. I hadn’t thought anyone else would care!
So how to decide? I have to admit that since I realised people were interested in further Rushe and Flick novels my mind has been jumping with ideas. I couldn’t sleep last night because of them. I actually got up in the middle of the night and started making notes.
So what’s the problem? Well the problem is that I promised this MMN sequel and I am doing it, I will get it out this year, but I don’t imagine there are many people anticipating it.
Both novels have been enjoyed by people who have read them, not by everyone who read them, but you’ll never please everyone. I suppose my dilemma comes from the fact that there isn’t a huge audience. I would be happy to write for the dozen or so folks who have expressed interest in a sequel but chances are they’ll have forgotten about it by the time I get it out.
The only thing to do is to keep writing. I’ll get the MMN sequel out, then see if the audience for more Explicit novels has grown. The nature of the characters mean that more Explicit novels would continue to be graphic. Rushe isn’t going to suddenly become a flurry bunny, and Flick’s confidence would skyrocket knowing she had Rushe at her back. The language and imagery will continue to offend some people, but I would have to stay true to the style of work that the original Explicit book follows.
I’d like to write more but it’s a big decision to make. My other novels are softer, safer, and if my readers expect that then I’ll have to deliver. But – and this is a big but – if it turns out that my readers actually prefer my raunchier work then way-hey! Let’s get to it!
I can’t put Explicit Instruction in front of too many people because it’s just not suitable for all. But without readers there is no point in a sequel.
Grr! See how frustrating it is to be in my head! Anyway, I’m procrastiwriting, I should be writing, and I’m not. My head is bouncing. It’s at times like these I wish I had an editor to help direct my creativity. I’ll write what people want, for the largest audience. But how do I know what that is?

Good luck on your adventures,


And now for something completely different…

June 26, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post, Sneak peek

It’s out, Explicit Instruction is now available on Amazon. Please buy it and review it if you like. It’s published, I’ve told everyone I know, and I’ve conveyed that message through all of my online channels.
Now that is out the way there’s only one question left to answer. What’s next?
I’m in that limbo phase now. As a writer there are always ideas crowding out my thoughts. One character, a scene, a line of dialogue that my sub-conscious wants to prioritise. It takes discipline and perseverance to write and thus moving through the phases of writing requires focus.
The phase I’m in now I like to think of as my “resting” phase. That doesn’t mean I’m doing nothing, because I am. What it means is that I’m between the fury of projects. Tunnel vision is common amongst us writers… or indeed any of us creative types. I can be consumed by a draft, or an edit, or the peripheral elements required in publishing – cover design, blurb, description, etc. Right now I’m not consumed. Being consumed means living and breathing the work, getting up at the crack of dawn and writing until you can’t sit up anymore. But it doesn’t mean I’m any less enthralled.
My next project is going to be the Mistake Me Not sequel. It’s written but I have decided to rework a section so I’ll plough into the editing to get it restructured. I’ve started already and am well on my way to getting the first re-draft together. I’ve done that while sorting the necessary parts of Explicit Instruction out and so I almost haven’t realised how much I’ve done! :p
My head is buzzing with another idea that’s desperately trying to take hold, it’s trying to claw the MMN aside to gain my focus but I’m fighting against it. The MMN sequel was written long before Explicit Instruction took over and if I let this other idea consume me MMN will be deferred again.
But the sequel is written. Luckily I’m working with a cover designer already for the sequel so a September launch looks secure at this time… providing I don’t change my mind again!
I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to continue the Mistake novels after this sequel. I do have an outline written and researched for my favourite Stone man – can you guess which it is? 😛 It’s certainly not pressing. I might let this other idea crowd in. But I got a review for Explicit Instruction today on Amazon.com – not bad for launch day – that called for a sequel of Rushe and Flick’s story! Rushe is quite a hero! But it’s only launch day, we’ll see if it sticks. In the meantime…

Sneaky Snippet

‘My boyfriend’s a bodyguard,’ Lacie said. ‘Sorcha got it right. How many ways do you know how to kill a person?’
‘One’s enough,’ Ryder said. ‘But I believe in variety.’
Lacie leaned in close. ‘I know. I share a bed with you.’

Good luck on your adventures,


Rave reviews!

Rave reviews!

The title is perhaps somewhat optimistic but that’s what I’m blogging about today – reviews! I’m talking about them for two reasons, well three reasons I suppose, but the last one isn’t so specific. Before I get to that let’s take a minute and think about reviews. Whether they are good or bad, reviews have […]

June 12, 2014

Roll with it.

Roll with it.

  The technology gods hate me. It’s official. I’m eternally optimistic – but don’t tell anyone – that no matter how bad things are in your life, someone has it worse. Which is probably why I’ve spent a large portion of this weekend laughing with an, “are you kidding me?” expression. Who remembers the mess […]

June 2, 2014

Normal service has been resu..

Normal service has been resumed. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I’m probably going to get the pants sued off me by the BBC for using that image, lol. Technically, this is a message for my American readers so it’s probably counterproductive to use a British symbol but hey, they probably have it over there too. Still, if you know any American’s let them know about […]

May 26, 2014

Put the needle on it.

Put the needle on it.

  Ok, when in doubt – write. I’m getting it back. I still haven’t found my groove as such but being whiny-ass about it don’t help nobody. So what have I done? I started work early this morning (business stuff) then did the school run and promised myself not to do anything writing related at […]

May 14, 2014

Dealing with the dumps.

Writing has been my salvation throughout my life. During times of highs and lows I’ve always been able to turn to my work and express what I thought and what I felt through my characters. When I decided to publish I knew I was never going to be famous or make money from it, all […]

May 13, 2014
1 Comment

Free! Tell your friends̷..

Free! Tell your friends…

Hello! It’s been a while I know but I’ve been a busy bee. I should say upfront that Mistake Me Not is free on Amazon at the moment so please feel free to check it out if you haven’t already, and please let any curious friends know too. I’m outlining the details of a new […]

April 21, 2014