Tag: passion

The things we do for love…

October 12, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


If we think back over our romantic history we can all identify moments of madness. Whether it was that crazy moment of intimacy in a not so discreet place, or those phone calls we made night after night that caused such severe sleep deprivation they almost cost us our careers.
Then there is the insanity when we lose love. We believe that our lives will never be the same again and that we shall suffer for the rest of eternity without our love at our side. But we get over it, because we always do.
My title today isn’t actually in reference to romance. I’ve been reflecting on my writing career and considering the lengths I’ve gone to, and the sacrifices I’ve made, all in the name of fiction.
I wouldn’t trade any of it. Indeed writing has been a lifelong companion and will always be my greatest love. Without it, I suffer. My craft can cost me sleep and sustinance. It costs me time and has taken me through many trials. But I carry on.
It’s like an addiction. A sweet high that can lift me to the heavens and then drop me to rock bottom. I sail through in times of passion and toil in times of task. But I carry on.
In years gone by, I’ve walked miles in all weather just for the promise of an internet connection to bring me to my words. I’ve gone without power because the words would not release me.
The more I think about it, the more I realise just how enslaved I am. I am the submissive partner. I wait in hope of the calling, the inspiration that will allow me to embrace my love, to envelope myself in the warmth of companionship offered by my allusive and mysterious mate.
I am at the beck and call of the words that lie in wait for me. I am only what those words want me to be, a conduit between them and the corporeal. I give them form and poetry, weaving the story demanding to be told. I am used by my lover for the gratifcation of completion.
My love promises no reward except the knowledge of productivity, but there is no guarantee of satisfaction on either side. My passion is absolute but my companion is fickle, often reaching out only to pull back and dash all hopes of achievement. But, still, I carry on.
I cannot give it up. I will remain compliant. Until it is time to act again I shall dream of my love, of the words and the stories that consume me. I will do anything for my love because my love is who I am. I write because to not would be to forsake my greatest confidante. Writing is my obsession, and I will be obedient to its will. I carry on because these are the things we do for love.

Good luck on your adventures,


What a release!

September 30, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

It’s out! Yes, that’s right, Explicit Detail is now officially available in all Amazon territories.
It turns out that release day is actually a bit of an anti-climax. With the introduction of pre-orders most people who wanted their copy early ordered ahead of time. Pre-order sales, as it turns out, don’t actually translate into a bump in Amazon rankings so from my POV everything is the same today as it was yesterday. There was no anxious waiting to see who would be interested in picking up their copy because I already had the pre-sales figures.
But pre-orders are a great thing. They mean that readers can ensure to get their copy of the novels that they want and they won’t forget or miss out. I’ve already set up the pre-order function for my next release and it’s currently working its way through Amazon’s system.
Getting a book out is always a relief. I don’t have to worry about walking out in front of a bus now, the book is out, no stopping it now. Well, I should say that I have to worry less about walking out in front of a bus, but should also note that I do still intend to look both ways before crossing the street.
The apprehension I feel this time is lessened by the fact that Explicit Instruction is already out there, so I hope that more people will be aware of Rushe’s ways. But that doesn’t ease the worry altogether. Rushe doesn’t become a different character over night and so he’s still abrupt and crude, and rough, and foul-mouthed… need I go on? Flick has her work cut out. But it’s the reaction of the readers that makes me nervous. If you’re not expecting Rushe then he can be quite a surprise. The sex is full-on and dirty, and pretty constant at the start so buckle up if you plan to read it :p
With the pre-order promotion done and the majority of initial sales now over, my work is sort of already done. All I can do now is hope that people will read and respond positively. I turn my faith over to the readers with the dream that you will enjoy Rushe and Flick and then tell your friends. It’s your word of mouth that we authors rely on. You are all-powerful as far as we’re concerned. So please read Explicit Detail, if you can, and spread the word. Tell your friends to tell their friends, and we can make sure that Rushe is experienced by any and all who enjoy a good dose of drama and passion. He believes himself so unloveable, maybe we can prove him wrong.

Good luck on your adventures,


Sexual Development

September 18, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


Sex for the sake of sex is great in real life. Why not go for it just because you can? It’s fun and man it feels good… if you’re doing it right :p
In novels, however, it’s important that sex scenes serve some kind of purpose. The trick is, of course, ensuring that the joining still feels spontaneous and is enjoyed by all parties without spelling out the specifics of what the reader will learn from this particular scene.
So what kind of purpose? I hear you ask. “Isn’t sex simple supposed to titillate?” Well yes, it is, it’s supposed to illicit a carnal reaction from the reader. You should feel yourself a little warmer inside, and maybe a little naughtier too. But sex scene after sex scene without there being a greater purpose will fail to advance the story, which is what a romantic fiction novel should be all about – the narrative.
There’s no single purpose for sex in books. It’s not only about showing the physical progression of the relationship between characters. Sometimes it’s as much about the emotional advancement of that relationship too. In Explicit Instruction the reader can map the development of the sexual relationship between Flick and Rushe and see how that parallels the movement of their emotional connection. The sex is different and each experience between them reveals something else.
We can see how Rushe tries so desperately to keep Flick at a distance in the initial stages of their affair. We can see his rough and ready approach, and how he tries to treat Flick as just any other woman. But subtle changes are seen in each of their encounters until their affinity is undeniable.
Now it’s not simply enough for the writer to say, “Rushe wants to keep Flick at a distance and that is why he is so harsh with her…” Then progress at the end to, “Rushe has given up the fight and now realises that this dynamic, refreshing woman has wormed her way into his affections.” The writer must give the reader enough hints, enough small pieces of evidence, to link so that they can put the pieces together for themselves.
The great thing about writing Explicit Detail was further exploring that development between our main couple. The dirty talk and rough sex still exists but it’s there for a different reason now. It’s no longer about Rushe trying to push Flick away, it’s about them optimising the  pleasure of their partner. Playing together, keeping the variety alive while reminding each other of that undiluted passion they still feel for each other.
Some readers will no doubt disagree about the use or purpose of sex, some may even disagree with Rushe’s methods. But the sex is crucial to both books. Trust builds between them, and because of the nature of the sex that they have, that trust is intensified.
Rushe insists on consent but can be brutish. Flick has to trust him, she has to know that if he approaches her boundaries he will desist. She does trust him, because he always will. Being savage in bed, especially when he is overcome with want for her, is extremely arousing for Flick. She sees through his attempts to keep her at a distance and that teaches her more about this man. Just as her refusal to be deterred shows Rushe how determined, and committed she is to being at his side, thus, how she cares for him.
Flick isn’t going anywhere no matter how he pushes and Rushe only falls deeper when he begins to understand that she is truly accepting of who he is, primitive ways and all, she doesn’t want him to change, but she does want him.
There are many other uses for sex in books, sometimes it’s about gathering or showing information of a more material kind. It can serve a practical purpose, or a procreative one. The uses are boundless, it can be manipulation, or motivation, greed, impulse. But we should always learn something about the story or about the characters during these scenes, the journey doesn’t stop because the characters are enjoying themselves, it should always keep on going.

Good luck on your adventures,


Share the fire…

Share the fire…

  Every author knows, or should know, that word of mouth is crucial to book sales. It’s crucial in all areas of sales, for any product or service, but it’s not easy to encourage. You can’t make it happen. Most readers would assess the activity as a hobby. Very few readers would consider reading a […]

August 7, 2014

Do you promise not to tell?

Do you promise not to tell?

  It’s crap. It’s all a big steaming pile of garbage. Yes, I’m going slightly mad. I couldn’t sleep last night. I tossed and I turned picking it all apart and trying to put it together again. The trouble is that when you start to force it the whole thing becomes contrived and it ends […]

July 22, 2014

Catch the wind.

Catch the wind.

    On a completely unrelated issue I have to make a declaration first: I love my iPhone, I hate my charger. Last week on the night before I left to go away my phone charger fried, which wouldn’t have been a problem if it hadn’t had the new lightning connection. Needless to say after […]

July 17, 2014
1 Comment

Home Sweet Home…

Home Sweet Home…

I’m home and blogging before I’m fully unpacked but what can I say? I missed my office. I love coming home. It’s always a hassle with the washing and the re-stocking of cupboards, no doubt someone has left something behind and there are bills on the mat. But, I’m home. I love to travel. I […]

July 11, 2014



Hello guys! SPECIAL NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: Explicit Instruction is available now! I’ve put the link below for you all to check it out when you can. It’s been a long journey and finally we’re here. I look forward to receiving your feedback about this novel, and I very much hope you enjoy embarking on another adventure […]

June 25, 2014

Howdily doodily!

Howdily doodily!

Today is going to be a quick one because I’m in a rather philosophical mood. In other words if I start typing I won’t stop! I hope you are all enjoying Father’s Day with your loved ones, and enjoying the weather – if you have it. I just wanted to remind everyone that The XY […]

June 15, 2014