Tag: read

Thank you.

August 22, 2014     scarlettfinn     Uncategorized


We all spend so much time thinking about what is not done, “You didn’t take out the trash,” “you forgot to buy milk…” etc. that we so often fail to notice the things that are done.
Taking things for granted in life is something we have all been guilty of. That’s why so often praise or gratitude is surprising, quite often if people show me gratitude for something I think it’s the start of a joke :p
Don’t for a second think that I’m going to start singing about appreciating the warmth of the sun on your face and the sweet, delicate melody of the birds chirpring in the trees. By all means appreciate those things, you should. But today I want to think about appreciating the other humans around us.
Now I know it’s easy to get mad at the kids, and at your husband when he didn’t “hear” you tell him about the neighbour’s dinner party. You should get mad, I’m sure they deserve your wrath 🙂 But we are nothing alone. Our family and our friends are what propel us forward. Our ambition determines how high we aim. But at the end of the day everyone needs help to achieve lofty goals.
So thank you. That’s really the aim and simplicity of this blog. Every single person who reads this is doing me a kindness. Every person who reads my books, love or loathe, review or not, you’re all doing something nice for me.
I have to show my gratitude to you all. If I could thank every person who bought my book, or read my comments on social media, then I would. But I think I would come off as a bit creepy if I started following all you guys around.
So I want to take this chance, on this platform, to thank you all for having faith enough to take a risk and read my work. All of you are valuable to me, and if I could show you my gratitude personally I would… in a completely non kinky way, promise, lol.
So often we hear about authors, of all varieties, and we hear of publishers, and of distributors, so often the reader is overlooked. There is no industry without you guys. Would it matter if half the writers out there stopped writing? Not as much as if half the readers suddenly stopped reading. You have to be respected by authors, all of you, by every part of the machine. Don’t underestimate your power. By sheer will alone you have the power to change the market. Pick a book you love and tell everyone you know, they tell everyone they know, and suddenly this little pile of words that spoke to you has taken the world by storm. That is the power you have.
Writers shouldn’t be revered, yes, they should be respected for the hard work and perseverance that it takes to produce the goods because it is a long journey. But that journey has no destination without the reading community. Yes, writers are readers, they have to be, there’s absolutely no equivocation on that, but we’re not the most important ones.
The most important person in a writer’s world is… you. Not the guy next to you, not the guy running the country, not even the distributors and publishers who are slugging it out. Let them have their war. This is about you. I have to connect to you. I have to work hard, for you. No one else. I don’t do it because I think I’m going to tempt a million readers. I want to connect with you. I want my words to affect your life, even if only for a few seconds. I want them to provoke a reaction. I want your heart to beat faster, or I want it to spasm with sorrow. I want you to laugh. I want you to cry. I want you to care.
My characters don’t belong to me. They are yours, they are what is in your heart, and in your head. They are what you want them to be. All I do is assemble thoughts and scenarios, the emotion is yours, it’s in you, you make the story what it is.
So thank you for taking a risk. Thank you for reading. Thank you for infusing my stories with sensation. Your wonderful mind processes the words I put together and causes that sentiment to your senses. You see it, you feel it. You are the story. It is for you. You have my eternal gratitude.

Good luck on your adventures,


I am so naive!

July 13, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


I’ve been at the computer for almost fourteen hours now, the room is starting to ripple, and I haven’t eaten since… yesterday. Needless to say I’ll keep this brief.
Explicit Instruction stormed through the charts at Amazon.ca I don’t think there are words for my surprise. It’s a funny little cloud to be sitting on. I know the position won’t hold forever, so although it’s amazing I’m already preparing for the crash. Weird, isn’t it? Writing isn’t instant. I can’t just release a new book tomorrow. But as flattered and humbled as I am it’s like… it doesn’t feel real. I thought actually charting anywhere was the equivalent to winning an Oscar, you know, completely out of the realm of possibility for anyone mortal.
I’ve been a writer all of my life. But it’s different now. In these last few months, since I started to publish the beast has taken on a new form. It’s a form I like. It’s utterly exhausting and exhilarating, and for the first time today I started to realise that this is real. People have actually read my work, some people like it, some people don’t, but it’s out there now. There’s no taking it back… not that I would if I could. But it’s just little me, sitting behind my computer, writing the worlds that exist in my mind.
I wish I could reach more people, and I wish more people could reach me. There have been times I’ve been exhausted through to my bones, and times I’ve been so happy I’ve wanted to jump and scream.
I don’t know what this is. I don’t know what I’ve started. But I do know I’m not going anywhere.
People I’ve thought would be happy for me, ignore me. People who I thought would be disappointed, are proud. But still, it’s just little me, behind my computer screen, tapping away.
I do this for me. I do it because I would be doing it anyway, whether I published or not. But it’s just me, all alone, sharing my secret with you.
I’m about to digress into my existential mutterings so I’ll stop there. I suppose what I want to say is, thank you for having faith, for joining me on this journey. Sorry, if I disappoint you, if I fail to live up to the faith you’ve put in me, and… please, I want to ask you to come with me, to stay with me, I can’t do this alone. I am us, I am we, and without we and us, there is no I…
See, I told you, I think I’m tripping out! Here’s to tomorrow, and may there be many more to come.

Good luck on your adventures,



June 25, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post, Sneak peek


Hello guys!
SPECIAL NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: Explicit Instruction is available now! I’ve put the link below for you all to check it out when you can. It’s been a long journey and finally we’re here. I look forward to receiving your feedback about this novel, and I very much hope you enjoy embarking on another adventure with me!

Good luck on your adventures,

Blog: scarlettfinn.wordpress.com
Website: scarlettfinn.wix.com/scarlettfinn
Twitter: @finnscarlett
FB: www.facebook.com/scarlett.finn.9


Busy, busy…

Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here and for that I apologise. But I do now have my website up and running, which has taken up more of my time than I’d imagined it would. I haven’t looked at Explicit Instruction this week though I’m itching to get it out. But I […]

May 10, 2014

Talking to myself…

Talking to myself…

Insanity’s just another word for thinking outside the box… This is tough. This whole publishing bit. The writing I’ve got a grip on. The editing I can cope with. The publishing is fiddly but you get to grips with it. The hardest part (and this won’t come as a galloping shock to anyone) is marketing. […]

April 6, 2014