Tag: readers

Finn’s Feisty Felines!

October 26, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


Finn’s Feisty Felines are now recruiting!
If you have the enthusiasm to get involved and are interested in joining the team supporting Scarlett Finn and her novels, then check out our street team. All are welcome!
Click on the picture above to come on over 🙂

Good luck on your adventures,


What a release!

September 30, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

It’s out! Yes, that’s right, Explicit Detail is now officially available in all Amazon territories.
It turns out that release day is actually a bit of an anti-climax. With the introduction of pre-orders most people who wanted their copy early ordered ahead of time. Pre-order sales, as it turns out, don’t actually translate into a bump in Amazon rankings so from my POV everything is the same today as it was yesterday. There was no anxious waiting to see who would be interested in picking up their copy because I already had the pre-sales figures.
But pre-orders are a great thing. They mean that readers can ensure to get their copy of the novels that they want and they won’t forget or miss out. I’ve already set up the pre-order function for my next release and it’s currently working its way through Amazon’s system.
Getting a book out is always a relief. I don’t have to worry about walking out in front of a bus now, the book is out, no stopping it now. Well, I should say that I have to worry less about walking out in front of a bus, but should also note that I do still intend to look both ways before crossing the street.
The apprehension I feel this time is lessened by the fact that Explicit Instruction is already out there, so I hope that more people will be aware of Rushe’s ways. But that doesn’t ease the worry altogether. Rushe doesn’t become a different character over night and so he’s still abrupt and crude, and rough, and foul-mouthed… need I go on? Flick has her work cut out. But it’s the reaction of the readers that makes me nervous. If you’re not expecting Rushe then he can be quite a surprise. The sex is full-on and dirty, and pretty constant at the start so buckle up if you plan to read it :p
With the pre-order promotion done and the majority of initial sales now over, my work is sort of already done. All I can do now is hope that people will read and respond positively. I turn my faith over to the readers with the dream that you will enjoy Rushe and Flick and then tell your friends. It’s your word of mouth that we authors rely on. You are all-powerful as far as we’re concerned. So please read Explicit Detail, if you can, and spread the word. Tell your friends to tell their friends, and we can make sure that Rushe is experienced by any and all who enjoy a good dose of drama and passion. He believes himself so unloveable, maybe we can prove him wrong.

Good luck on your adventures,


Facebook Group – Scarlett Finn

September 15, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


We now have a Facebook group to discuss all of my novels. Today the complete first chapter of Explicit Detail was uploaded to the group. Yes, the complete first chapter! So head on over and check it out. Tonight there will be a special announcement, intrigued?
Click on the image above to come on over 🙂

Learning curve.

Learning curve.

Success is a relative term that we all have to define for ourselves. When I started my publishing journey I had to learn about a lot of new things that I hadn’t considered before. Ironically, the easiest part of this whole process is the writing! Yes, that’s the part I find myself retreating to when […]

August 20, 2014

Share the fire…

Share the fire…

  Every author knows, or should know, that word of mouth is crucial to book sales. It’s crucial in all areas of sales, for any product or service, but it’s not easy to encourage. You can’t make it happen. Most readers would assess the activity as a hobby. Very few readers would consider reading a […]

August 7, 2014

I am so naive!

I am so naive!

I’ve been at the computer for almost fourteen hours now, the room is starting to ripple, and I haven’t eaten since… yesterday. Needless to say I’ll keep this brief. Explicit Instruction stormed through the charts at Amazon.ca I don’t think there are words for my surprise. It’s a funny little cloud to be sitting on. […]

July 13, 2014

Explicit Mistake

Explicit Mistake

Series’ are all the rage. When I first published I had an idea of what I would publish and when. I had several books completed and so envisaged preparing and releasing each of them as I went along. What I hadn’t factored in was that readers would care about my work. I don’t sell very […]

July 6, 2014

Where the magic happens̷..

Where the magic happens…

A Goodreads discussion got me thinking about where writers right. The great thing about the craft is that there is little space, apparatus, or physical energy required. We don’t have to worry about the weather, or our health, or of bothering anyone. We don’t have drum kits to disturb the household, or require an immediate […]

May 16, 2014