Tag: work

Random thoughts.

July 27, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post


First, and quite randomly, I found out today that Explicit Instruction is being illegally pirated through torrent sites. After an initial panic and a Google search I learned that I should take this as a compliment. Hmm. Since there is nothing I can do about it, I suppose I’ll have to look at it that way. It is weird to have zero control over something I created but hey, that’s life these days.
I’ve started writing rush as rushe in my every day life. I can’t tell you how many times I have to correct myself. A lot of typos are so easily caught because the word doesn’t look right. Trouble is, Rushe is right to me, so I have to pause, go back and check. Other people won’t get it, but I do find myself wondering if there will ever be a time I’ll be able to spell rush correctly again, if I’ll every look at “Rushe” as wrong. It’s even funnier because last night I was writing (longhand, notebook and pen) and I wrote “Ryder” instead of “Rushe”. So it turns out I can’t spell “Rushe” right either. I laughed of course, but I don’t think Lacie or Flick, respectively, would have found it so funny.
I made myself cry today. A lot of writers will tell you that a good story writes itself, I can’t tell you how true that is. It’s not unusual for me to get caught up in the adrenaline-fueled moments of action. My heart rate increases, I write faster, and I’m genuinely as hopeful as the reader that this will all turn out ok in the end. But from the anger and arousal and the laughter, the one I love best is the crying.
It tickles me the most because it strikes me as so ironic. In our lives, we’ll do anything to keep those we love safe. We try our best to minimise tears of sadness by avoiding situations that will cause them.
But as a writer I’m putting people I care about (my characters) into a situation that distresses them, and by extension, me, and getting myself upset about it. I’m (in my head obviously) shouting, “No, Rushe! Don’t do it!” But my fingers must work independently of that part of my brain because they’re typing away faster and faster, and yes, the bastard does it anyway. It’s weird, isn’t it? Or is it just me?
I’m upset, I’m crying, but I’m making them go through this horribly traumatising event – and loving it! I must be a masochist at heart. Like the writing/typing until I have blisters didn’t give that away to begin with.

Good luck on your adventures,



July 18, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post, Uncategorized


I had a moment of clarity this week, which is great. On the back of that revelation I then made two decisions and one mistake.
Want to know about my epiphany moment? Well, as counter-intuitive as this may sound I realised: good reviews actually help me improve more than bad ones do. I know this might sound backward. Maybe you think it’s just my ego dismissing negative reviews as obvious garbage. A lot of them are not, but a lot of them are. People who enjoyed reading my work, those that leave positive reviews, actually care about the novel and I find that people will often point out areas for improvement. They also point out what works, what they enjoyed, thus allowing me to become aware of what I am doing successfully.
Most bad reviews tend to be about slinging insults or they’re completely unhelpful like, “hated it”, or “rubbish”, those might be valid opinions but they don’t really help me improve as an author.
So my two decisions? The first was to forget all about reviews completely. I decided that I would pick a day of the month to read them all, good and bad. Amazon don’t notify authors of reviews so we have to check just like the rest of you do. It can be a hold your breath, close your eyes, ignore your pounding heart moment when you click through your titles (on the different territory websites). I don’t check reviews as often as I used to. In the early days I was on every day, hoping and praying that someone enjoyed my work. Now I try to only look if I’m doing something else, lol.
The second decision was to reach out more to those who do enjoy my work, and ask them about areas I’m uncertain of. Like tonight on Facebook I asked about the frequency of sex my characters should enjoy. The question was on the back of a reviewer mentioning that they believed there was too much sex. It was a positive review and it was superb. But it’s exactly what gave me my epiphany moment. The reader enjoyed the work and reviewed but also pointed out something specific that I could look at again. It was brilliant for me! Honestly, it was a great experience. The reviewer made me think about my work. I asked people who I knew had read my work what they thought, and so I moved forward. I felt like I had progressed, something had been done.
So fantastic, all very good, right? Well, yeah, but then I made a mistake. It wasn’t really a mistake. Well, ok, yes, I suppose it was. But it was unintentional. I went to a website that carries one of my novels, a website I hadn’t checked since loading the novel. What did I find? A bad review. A long bad review. I read it – of course – and now I feel like complete crap and I don’t want to write any more tonight. It’s ludicrous that I should let one opinion sap my mojo but it’s done. I can’t undo it.
I’ll wake up tomorrow stronger. These things don’t last forever. But my mood is low, my creativity has been flushed away, and anyone who says they are always completely unaffected by bad reviews is lying.
I made the decisions, stuck with it, felt good, moved forward, and now it’s four steps back.
Anyway, the original premise is still in place. I’ll stick with my two decisions. But damn, I wish I hadn’t read that. It’s so typical, isn’t it? You’re free and flying high, then your wings melt.
Thank you for the support you’ve all given me though. I do feel petulant in moments like this. I know it’s dramatic. It’s irrational and uncalled for. But it’s honest and that’s all I can be. The positive support has been overwhelming and I still struggle to comprehend how any of this is real. People have read my work. Wow… I’m… it’s just amazing. Thank you everyone.

Good luck on your adventures,


On a break…

July 8, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

So I’m away at the moment. Staying with family on the beach and the weather right now is glorious.
I had no expectation of getting any writing done this week because I knew things could be busy. So when the kids were happy in the surf and I had the writing itch it was a bonus.
It’s proof enough that it can’t be switched off and inspiration should be harnessed. Without the pressure of necessity my writing flowed much more naturally. I didn’t have to write so I could write what I wanted to.
I accomplished a lot. I got many words on the page and when I read it back I was happy 🙂
The feeling of satisfaction at achieving something doesn’t go away. I like to know those words are out of me. It’s only a first draft of course but now I have something to shape. The foundation is in place.
I say foundation but I do have another section of this piece done already. So even on a break I have more words under my belt. Every word counts. I’ve taken a step forward.
Be proud. Be positive. And when you can, enjoy inspiration in the sun…oh, and wear sunscreen :p

Good luck on your adventures,



And now for something comple..

And now for something completely different…

It’s out, Explicit Instruction is now available on Amazon. Please buy it and review it if you like. It’s published, I’ve told everyone I know, and I’ve conveyed that message through all of my online channels. Now that is out the way there’s only one question left to answer. What’s next? I’m in that limbo […]

June 26, 2014

Rave reviews!

Rave reviews!

The title is perhaps somewhat optimistic but that’s what I’m blogging about today – reviews! I’m talking about them for two reasons, well three reasons I suppose, but the last one isn’t so specific. Before I get to that let’s take a minute and think about reviews. Whether they are good or bad, reviews have […]

June 12, 2014

Put the needle on it.

Put the needle on it.

  Ok, when in doubt – write. I’m getting it back. I still haven’t found my groove as such but being whiny-ass about it don’t help nobody. So what have I done? I started work early this morning (business stuff) then did the school run and promised myself not to do anything writing related at […]

May 14, 2014

Write, write, and write agai..

Write, write, and write again…

I love to write – yes, contain your gasps of surprise – it’s hard work but fun, so I don’t really notice the work part very often. Every person’s process is different; please note that I said “person” because most people do write at least on occasion. Whether you’re jotting down a lunch order, or […]

April 8, 2014

It never ends…

Hey everyone, I’ve had a long morning and it’s not over yet. Life just keeps going and going. I checked in with all my stats this morning, updated Twitter, and Facebook too – check it out for my next project. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you do with this whole promotion thing because […]

March 24, 2014